What’s The Story? Croatia (2023)

Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Period: 06 – 10 November 2023

Tutors: TBA

Partner: Zagreb Film Festival

What’s The Story? Croatia is an intensive five-day short film development writing workshop – part of the new Talents Generator Factory initiative promoted by Talents and Short Film Market (TSFM).

The workshop will be realised in partnership with Zagreb Film Festival (ZFF), Talents and Short Film Market (TSFM), and the Croatian Audiovisual Centre. It will take place in Zagreb (Croatia) as part of the ZFF Industry program (6-10 Nov 2023) and will be led by two experienced TSFM experts. The workshop is aimed at development, networking and incresing the visibility of Croatian and regional filmmakers, primarily short film directors and screenwriters. The deadline for project submission is 1 September 2023.

During five festival days, the participants will develop their short films through theoretical and practical training under the guidance of two experienced professionals. The participants will learn how to get to the core  of their project in order to understand it better and develop it more efficiently and fully. The workshop is led by two experienced tutors and will require active participation and a mindset open to collaboration from all participants. The work will be conducted both in class during the face-to-face hours and in between the meetings, with specific tasks and assignments to be accomplished for the following day. Special attention is paid to production, feasibility, artistic aspects and cultural contexts of the projects.

The workshop will conclude with a pitching session, and the two winning pitches will be invited to take part in another workshop happening during Talents and Short Film Market vol. 8 (27-30 Nov 2023) in Torino, Italy.

Who is it for?

What’s The Story? Croatia is open to up to nine selected filmmakers – film directors, screenwriters – who will work together in order to kickstart their respective storylines for an upcoming short film.

When is it scheduled?

What’s The Story? Croatia is scheduled to take place from 6 to 10 November 2023.

Where is it located?

What’s The Story? Croatia is scheduled to take place in Zagreb, Croatia.

What language will be used?

The main language of What’s The Story? Croatia will be English.

The submitted documents for the selection process of the participants must be in English.

The text materials written during the workshop must be in English.

Who are the tutors?

What’s The Story? Croatia tutors will be announced shortly.

How do I apply?

Applications to What’s The Story? Croatia can only be submitted via the official submission form at this link:


When is the deadline for submissions?

The deadline for submissions to What’s The Story? Croatia is set September 1.

How much does it cost?

The submission and participation fee to What’s The Story? Croatia is free of charge.

Zagreb Film Festival will provide accommodation and one meal per day for all the selected participants.

Do you have more questions?

For further information please send an email to:
